Happy publication day to Caitlin and Corey, whose story Lion Dancing for Love is out in the wild today. I really fell in love with these two characters. It's a case of opposites attract - or is it? On the outside, they look very different. Caitlin is a sassy city gal from a multicultural background in her 30s. Corey is a third generation small town Vermont store owner in his 40s and a man of few words. On the inside they're both hurting, Caitlin from rejection and Corey from the death of his first wife. Fate and their friends seem to think they're destined to heal each other, but will they listen?

Buy links:LionDancingforLove

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If you'd like to read more about the goings-on in Willow Springs, you can check out the Deerbourne Inn series here. There are seven books to date, across multiple genres, covering Deerbourne Inn's past, its present and its paranormal inhabitants.screen-shot-2019-03-27-at-1.49.10-pm.png 


Deerbourne Inn Dates


A Romantic Rendezvous 2019