Tips from an Industry Insider

My most recent column for the RWA is available on their blog today. I'm discussing the bane of every writer's life, everyday marketing.

Yes, I can hear the groans across the interwebs. For most authors, marketing is a grudge job, as bad, or worse, than having to mop the floor (my personal bugbear). And what is it about dishes and laundry that ensure the sink and the clothes basket are never empty? You finish one round and have to start on the next. It’s the same with Instagram, newsletters and other forms of everyday marketing. 

Are you reaching for the wine yet?

Comparing everyday marketing to household chores might seem like a bad idea, dropping it into the hated I-don’t-have-time-for-this jobs’ jar. But it is realistic in that it is SOMETHING THAT HAS TO BE DONE, regularly if not every day. Even if you are lucky enough to have an assistant to pass it off to, it still has to be done.

You can read the rest of the article here:


Finalist in Rone Awards 2020


Wordsmith Wednesday